Post by giganotoigauana on Apr 29, 2008 15:14:26 GMT
[glow=red,2,300]AAA [/glow]
standard sabertooth tiger
wooly rhino
saber tooth
australopithecus set
deinonychus pack missing 1
red velociraptor
[glow=red,2,300]deffinetley dinosaurs[/glow]
Triceratops skeleton
[glow=red,2,300]Invicta/british museum[/glow]
mammoth color
mammoth no color
diplodocus no color
diplodocus no color
megalosaurus no color
megalosaurus no color
Tyrannosaurus no color
tyrannosaurus no color
tyrannosaurus no color
brachiosaurus no color
[glow=red,2,300]Jurassic park[/glow]
too much to list please ask
tlw Estemmenosuchus x2
tlw scutosaurus
Moc Dilophosaurus s1
MOC Lyceanops s2 x2
MOC coelophysis s1
mocCE Tyranonops
moc(damaged box)TLW Triceratops s1
Moc (damaged box) tlw s2 Ornithosuchus
MiB(damaged box) Utahraptor s2
MIB(damaged box Young rex s1
some JPD2
Triceratops JPD damaged box
s1 liolpeurodon
s2 allosaurus skull
s1 anhanguera
s2 megatherium
s3 tylosaurus
s3 acrocanthosaurus skeleton
s2 allosaurus skull
s1 diplocaulus
s6 stegosaurus
s3 acrocanthosaurus
s2 australopithecus boisei
s1 suchomimus
s1 anhanguera
s3 pleurocistites
s1 pachydiscus
s3 trochosaurus
s3 triarthus
s2 pteraspis
s2 saurapelta (teton)
s1 triceratops skull
s2 allosaurus skull
s3 rutiodon
s1 sinemys gamera
expo 01 acrocanthosaurus
s6 titanis
s1 diplocaulus
s2 smilodon
s1 tyrannosaurus
s3 tylosaurus
s2 pteraspis
s6 stegosaurus
s3 plesiosaurus skeleton
s1 opabinia
s1 pachydiscus
expo 01 stegosaurus
s6 stegosaurus
s3 acrocathosaurus skeleton
s1 diatryma
epo 01 sachania
s1 sinemys gamera
s2 bothriolepis
s1 diplocaulus
s1 triceratops
s2 allosaurus skull
s1 pachydiscus
s1 sinemys gamera
2 australopithecus boisei
s1 tyrannosaurus skeleton
s7 huayangosaurus
s1 pachydiscus
s1 opabinia
s1 triceratops
s7 achiceratops
s1 sinemys gamera
s6 protoceratops skeleton
s2 allosaurus skeleton INC
s2 brachiosaurus
s3 glyptodon
s1 diatryma
s3 plesiosaurus
s1 triceratops skeleton
s2 allosaurus skull
s7 camarasaurus skeleton
s2 megatherium
s1 anhanguera
s1 triceratops skull
s1 triceratops
s6 Iguanodon
s6 allosaurus
s7 elasmosaurus
s2 iguanodon
s1 liopleurodon
s7 dunkleosteus skull
s1 triceratops skull
s1 brontotherium
s3 deinonychus
s2 brachiosaurus
s3 apatosaurus
s2 pteraspis
s2 stegosaurus skeleton INC
s4 tarbosaurus
s2 smilodon skull
s6 iguanodon
s3 tylosaurus
s1 tyrannosaurus skeleton
s2 allosaurus skull
s1 triceratops skull
s3 deinonychus
s1 axelrodichthys
s2 allosaurus
s1 anhanguera
s1 triceratops skeleton INC
s1 diplocaulus
s3 trochosaurus
s1 triceratops
s3 trochosaurus
s1 triceratops skeleton
more to come......
ALL kaiyodo $3 except for expo and special pieces
[glow=red,2,300]Kinto soft play[/glow]
dire wolf
wooly mammoth
tons please ask
thrasher shark
[glow=red,2,300]Starlux [/glow]
mib protoceratops
mib giganotosaurus
mib giganotosaurus
mib deinonychus
mib triceratops
mib styracosaurus
loose stegosaurus
loose styracosaurus
loose styracosaurus
loose tyrannosaurus
tons please ask
[glow=red,2,300]Yowies[/glow] ALL yowies are $1!
updated 6/18/09
Fangaroo #34 LK
Emperor gum moth
Common Sawshark
Common Sawshark
Northern Mastiff Bat
Emerald Cuckoo Wasp
Emerald Cuckoo Wasp
Yellow Footed Rock Wallaby
Scimitar Horned Oryx
Diprotodon #43 LK
Ring Tailed Lemur
Frilled Neck Lizard
Muttaburasaurus #10 LK
Red Tailed Black Cockatoo
Blue Sea Star
Blue Swimmer Crab
Blue Swimmer Crab
Cleaner Wrasse
Grey Fantail
Green Grocer Cicada
Austrosaurus #14 LK
Smooth KNob Tailed Gecko
Cunninghams Skink
Royal Sthingybill
Royal Sthingybill
Crusader Bug
Hover Fly
Western Black Striped Snake
Hover Fly
Corroboree Frog
Tasmanian Pademelon
Modern Koala #49 LK
Leichhardts Grasshopper
Elephant Seal
Sydney Funnelweb Spider
Dwarf Minke Whale
Desert Mouse
Black Wallaroo
Bandy Bandy
Ringed Pipefish
Miocene Proto Wombat #32 LK
Spotted Cuscus
Leapard Shark
Murray Cod
Giant Moa #46 LK
Steropodon #13 LK
Laughing Kookaburra
Bottle Nosed Dolphin
Brown Bear
Green & Golden Bell Frog
Southern Death Adder
Transverse Ladybird
Transverse Ladybird
Western Swamp Tortoise
Western Swamp Tortoise
New Zealand Quail
Giant Cave Gecko
Steropodon #13 LK
Ring Tailed Gecko
Owens Horned Turtle #49 LK
Giant Wonambi #41 LK
Blue Triangle Butterfly
Jewel Sheild Beetle
White Pointer Shark #37 LK
Carpet Python
Jewel Sheild Beetle
Long Footed Potoroo
Giant Moa #46 LK
Spinifex Pigeon
Blue Ringed Octopus
Bandy Bandy
Flat Headed Amphibian #8 LK
Depressed Spiny Skink
Depressed Spiny Skink
Weedy Sea Dragon
Sea Lion
Black White Tiger MOth
Upland Moa #30 FF
Giant Wonambi #41 LK
Eastern Barred Bandicoot
Little Penguin
Riversleigh Leaf Nosed Bat #28 LK
Frilled Neck LIzard
Hover Fly
Old Wife Fish
Mangrove Monitor
Riversleigh Leaf Nosed Bat #28 LK
Yellow Footed Rock Wallaby
Sand Goanna
Red Fire Goby
MOuntain Pygmy Possum
Lungfin Bannerfish
Flower Spider
Hectors Dolphin
Jewelled Gecko
Great White Shark
Water Rat
New Zealand Giant Eagle #47 LK
Yellow Faced Whip Snake
Yellow Faced Whip Snake
Riversleigh Leaf Nosed Bat #28
Giant Moa #46 LK
LOng Footed Potoroo
Muttaburrasaurus #10 LK
Austrosaurus #14 LK
Green Christmas Beetle
Green Christmas Beetle
Striped Possum
Striped Possum
Striped Possum
Bogata Sunangel
Chestnut Teal
Chestnut Teal
Northern Hairy Nosed Wombat
Diprotodon #43 LK
Bandy Bandy
Victoria Crowned Pigeon
Sea LIon
Tasmanian Devil
Sponge Crab
Golden Stag Beetle
Net Casting Spider
Samoan Woodrail FF
LOng Necked Plesiosaur #11 LK
Marsupial Mole
Weigels Toad
Rainbow Lorikeet
Rainbow Lorikeet
(broken) Ownes Horned Turtle #40 LK
Red Necked Avocet
Weigels Toad
Masked Lapwing
Masked Lapwing
Peacock Jewel Moth
Muttaburrasaurus #10 LK
New Zealand Giant Eagle #47 LK
Pink Tongued Skink
Fiddler Crab
Fiddler Crab
Regent Bowerbird
Barking Marsh Frog
Sea Hare
Fennec Fox
Tasmaniosaurus #6 LK
Crusader Bug
Hairy Red Hermit Crab
Modern Platypus #50 LK
Modern Platypus #50 LK
Modern Platypus #50 LK
Victoria Crowned Pigeon
Quinkana #38 LK
Mawsonited #1 LK
Masked Owl
Masked Owl
Syrian Wild Donkey #8 FF
Feathertail Glider
Net Casting Spider
Tingamarra #22 LK
Australian Allosaur #19
Crusader Bug
Lagarto #28 FF
Giant Clam
Long Necked Plesiosaur #11 LK
Tingamarra #22 LK
Pink Tongued Skink
Eurasian Coot
Marsupial Mole
Blue Pike #3 FF
White Spotted Eagle Ray
Giant Moa #46
Black Swan
Short Beak Echidna
Spotted Cuscus
Blue Triangle Butterfly
Soldier Crab
Hoiho Penguin
New Zealand Greater Adzebill #45 LK
Eastern Snake Necked Tortoise
Ziebells Hand Fish
Eastern Spiny Gurnard no pp
Meerkat no pp
Crusader Bug no pp
Hectors Dolphin no pp
Wombat no pp
Sponge Crab no pp
Western Black Striped Snake no pp
Yabby no pp inc
Emperor Gum Moth no pp
Emperor Gum Moth no pp
Leichhards Grasshopper no pp
Fiddler Crab no pp
Fiddler Crab no pp
Sea Hare no pp
Soldier Crab no pp
Blue Sea Star no pp
Lagarto no pp
Fennec Fox no pp
Corrobee Frog no pp
Desert Mouse no pp
Depressed Spiny Skink no pp
Red Fire Goby no pp
Pink Tongued Skink no pp
Short Beak Echidna no pp
Short Beak Echidna no pp
Rainbow Lorikeet no pp
Green Grocer Cicada no pp
Elephant Seal no pp
Sumatran Tiger
Eastern Spiny Gurnard
Long Necked Plesiosaur #11 LK
Rainforest Koala #25 LK
Pleistocene Marsupial Lion #42 LK
Huppe #24 FF
Tasmaniosaurus #6 LK
Murray Cod
Leopard Frog
Giant Clam
Clownfish no pp
Fennec Fox no pp
Fennec Fox no pp
Giant Moa LK no pp
Spotted Cuscus no pp
Weedy Sea Dragon no pp
Weedy Sea Dragon no pp
Weedy Sea Dragon no pp
Weedy Sea Dragon no pp
Weedy Sea Dragon no pp
Weedy Sea Dragon no pp
Riversleigh Leaf Nosed Bat LK no pp
Dwarf Minke Whale no pp
Green Christmas Beetle no pp
Riversleigh Leaf Nosed Bat LK no pp
Dwarf Minke Whale no pp
Zibells Handfish no pp
Net Casting Spider no pp
Black & White Tiger no pp
Flower Spider no pp
Koala no pp
Koala brown no pp
Common Sawshark no pp
Elephant Seal no pp
Tasmanian Pademelon no pp
Cunninghams Skink no pp
Rainforest Koala LK #25 no pp
Mangove Monitor no pp
Great White Shark no pp
Mangrove Monitor no pp
Blue Spotted Fantail Ray no pp
Blue Spotted Fantail Ray no pp
Blue Spotted Fantail Ray no pp
Giant Short Faced Kangaroo LK #44
Longfin Banner Fish no pp
Longfin Banner Fish no pp
Long Footed Potoroo no pp
Eastern Barred Bandicoot no pp
Smooth Knob Tailed Gecko no pp
Smooth Knob Tailed Gecko no pp
Ring Tailed Lemur no pp
Yellow Footed Rock Wallaby no pp
Sea Lion no pp
Green & Golden Bell Frog no pp
Hairy Nosed Wombat no pp
Yellow Footed Rock Wallaby no pp
more to come....
NHK feathered velociraptor mip
Sega Dinosaurs "S" / happinet "H" *pending*
To be updated
Quetzalcoatlus H
Saber tooth H
sachania S
lambeosaurusH x2
carnotaurus H x 2
maiasaurus H
carnotaurus S
Allosaurus H
Acrocanthosaurus H x2
Supersaurus H
[glow=red,2,300]kaiyodo jp///[/glow]
parasaurolophus x2
pteranodon yellow
[glow=red,2,300]Future is wild[/glow]
ganet whale
[glow=red,2,300]TS [/glow]
[glow=red,2,300]Damaged Dinos[/glow]
Jp/// Poseable raptor (missing arm) $1
Thunder Beasts Huge Tyrannosaurus rex (missing foot/needs cleanup)$1
WWD Tyrannosaurus (missing arm) $6
WWD Postosuchus (missing two legs) $6
Sea Monsters jack n the box calander toy (ripping) $.50
Dino Riders Styracosaurus (frill spikes broken) $1
painted horse ceramic trinket box
louisiana gator ceramic trinket box
sandman ceramic dinosaur
[glow=red,2,300]PT prehistoric times magazines[/glow]
to be updated
My wants:
starlux synthetoceras
starlux placochelys
starlux bradysaurus
starlux cephalaspis
starlux drepenaspis
starlux trilobite/nodule
Chailus any
HS Brumms
mignot dinos
pewter dinos
smithsonians any
tedco all except early reptiles set
tube dinos and prehistoric mammals
schleich dinosaurs and animals
bullyland dinosaurs and animals
playvision dinosaur and animals
safari ltd fish
AAA flat fish other deep sea fish jellys
AAA worm
AAA birds
TS liopleurodon
giant standees of king kong and jurassic park or store displays and vinyl banners
the future is wild book
monsters we met book
australian prehistoric mammals book
walking with prehistoric beasts soundtrack
sea monsters soundtrack
walking with caveman soundtrack
de wolfe jurassic dinosaurs or prehistoric world soundtrack
tlw jurassic park soundtrack with 3d display
a burned cd of the soundtrack from jurassic park for snes and jurassic park 2 the chaos continues for snes
jp/// kaiyodo spino skull
bullyland deinotherium and andrewsarchus
waiphoon ornitholestes and liopleurodon(kaiyodo looking version) and jp/// knock offs
playskool rex and bronto and spinosaurus
dino riders diplodocus pachyrhinosaurus chasmosaurus
monsters in my pocket
46 okunen monogatari shinse synthesizer or other suit (4.6 billion yr old story) also known as E.V.O. the search for eden soundtrack by koichi sugiyama maker of dragon quest music.
saber tooth
deinonychus pack missing 1
red velociraptor
[glow=red,2,300]deffinetley dinosaurs[/glow]
Triceratops skeleton
[glow=red,2,300]Invicta/british museum[/glow]
mammoth color
mammoth no color
diplodocus no color
megalosaurus no color
megalosaurus no color
Tyrannosaurus no color
tyrannosaurus no color
tyrannosaurus no color
brachiosaurus no color
[glow=red,2,300]Jurassic park[/glow]
too much to list please ask
tlw Estemmenosuchus x2
tlw scutosaurus
Moc Dilophosaurus s1
MOC Lyceanops s2 x2
MOC coelophysis s1
mocCE Tyranonops
moc(damaged box)TLW Triceratops s1
Moc (damaged box) tlw s2 Ornithosuchus
MiB(damaged box) Utahraptor s2
MIB(damaged box Young rex s1
some JPD2
Triceratops JPD damaged box
s1 liolpeurodon
s2 allosaurus skull
s1 anhanguera
s2 megatherium
s3 tylosaurus
s3 acrocanthosaurus skeleton
s2 allosaurus skull
s1 diplocaulus
s6 stegosaurus
s3 acrocanthosaurus
s2 australopithecus boisei
s1 suchomimus
s1 anhanguera
s3 pleurocistites
s1 pachydiscus
s3 trochosaurus
s3 triarthus
s2 pteraspis
s2 saurapelta (teton)
s1 triceratops skull
s2 allosaurus skull
s3 rutiodon
s1 sinemys gamera
expo 01 acrocanthosaurus
s6 titanis
s1 diplocaulus
s2 smilodon
s1 tyrannosaurus
s3 tylosaurus
s2 pteraspis
s6 stegosaurus
s3 plesiosaurus skeleton
s1 opabinia
s1 pachydiscus
expo 01 stegosaurus
s6 stegosaurus
s3 acrocathosaurus skeleton
s1 diatryma
epo 01 sachania
s1 sinemys gamera
s2 bothriolepis
s1 diplocaulus
s1 triceratops
s2 allosaurus skull
s1 pachydiscus
s1 sinemys gamera
2 australopithecus boisei
s1 tyrannosaurus skeleton
s7 huayangosaurus
s1 pachydiscus
s1 opabinia
s1 triceratops
s7 achiceratops
s1 sinemys gamera
s6 protoceratops skeleton
s2 allosaurus skeleton INC
s2 brachiosaurus
s3 glyptodon
s1 diatryma
s3 plesiosaurus
s1 triceratops skeleton
s2 allosaurus skull
s7 camarasaurus skeleton
s2 megatherium
s1 anhanguera
s1 triceratops skull
s1 triceratops
s6 Iguanodon
s6 allosaurus
s7 elasmosaurus
s2 iguanodon
s1 liopleurodon
s7 dunkleosteus skull
s1 triceratops skull
s1 brontotherium
s3 deinonychus
s2 brachiosaurus
s3 apatosaurus
s2 pteraspis
s2 stegosaurus skeleton INC
s4 tarbosaurus
s2 smilodon skull
s6 iguanodon
s3 tylosaurus
s1 tyrannosaurus skeleton
s2 allosaurus skull
s1 triceratops skull
s3 deinonychus
s1 axelrodichthys
s2 allosaurus
s1 anhanguera
s1 triceratops skeleton INC
s1 diplocaulus
s3 trochosaurus
s1 triceratops
s3 trochosaurus
s1 triceratops skeleton
more to come......
ALL kaiyodo $3 except for expo and special pieces
[glow=red,2,300]Kinto soft play[/glow]
dire wolf
wooly mammoth
thrasher shark
[glow=red,2,300]Starlux [/glow]
mib protoceratops
mib giganotosaurus
mib giganotosaurus
mib deinonychus
mib triceratops
mib styracosaurus
loose stegosaurus
loose styracosaurus
loose styracosaurus
loose tyrannosaurus
tons please ask
[glow=red,2,300]Yowies[/glow] ALL yowies are $1!
updated 6/18/09
Fangaroo #34 LK
Emperor gum moth
Common Sawshark
Common Sawshark
Northern Mastiff Bat
Emerald Cuckoo Wasp
Emerald Cuckoo Wasp
Yellow Footed Rock Wallaby
Scimitar Horned Oryx
Diprotodon #43 LK
Ring Tailed Lemur
Frilled Neck Lizard
Muttaburasaurus #10 LK
Red Tailed Black Cockatoo
Blue Sea Star
Blue Swimmer Crab
Blue Swimmer Crab
Cleaner Wrasse
Grey Fantail
Green Grocer Cicada
Austrosaurus #14 LK
Smooth KNob Tailed Gecko
Cunninghams Skink
Royal Sthingybill
Royal Sthingybill
Crusader Bug
Hover Fly
Western Black Striped Snake
Hover Fly
Corroboree Frog
Tasmanian Pademelon
Modern Koala #49 LK
Leichhardts Grasshopper
Elephant Seal
Sydney Funnelweb Spider
Dwarf Minke Whale
Desert Mouse
Black Wallaroo
Bandy Bandy
Ringed Pipefish
Miocene Proto Wombat #32 LK
Spotted Cuscus
Leapard Shark
Murray Cod
Giant Moa #46 LK
Steropodon #13 LK
Laughing Kookaburra
Bottle Nosed Dolphin
Brown Bear
Green & Golden Bell Frog
Southern Death Adder
Transverse Ladybird
Transverse Ladybird
Western Swamp Tortoise
Western Swamp Tortoise
New Zealand Quail
Giant Cave Gecko
Steropodon #13 LK
Ring Tailed Gecko
Owens Horned Turtle #49 LK
Giant Wonambi #41 LK
Blue Triangle Butterfly
Jewel Sheild Beetle
White Pointer Shark #37 LK
Carpet Python
Jewel Sheild Beetle
Long Footed Potoroo
Giant Moa #46 LK
Spinifex Pigeon
Blue Ringed Octopus
Bandy Bandy
Flat Headed Amphibian #8 LK
Depressed Spiny Skink
Depressed Spiny Skink
Weedy Sea Dragon
Sea Lion
Black White Tiger MOth
Upland Moa #30 FF
Giant Wonambi #41 LK
Eastern Barred Bandicoot
Little Penguin
Riversleigh Leaf Nosed Bat #28 LK
Frilled Neck LIzard
Hover Fly
Old Wife Fish
Mangrove Monitor
Riversleigh Leaf Nosed Bat #28 LK
Yellow Footed Rock Wallaby
Sand Goanna
Red Fire Goby
MOuntain Pygmy Possum
Lungfin Bannerfish
Flower Spider
Hectors Dolphin
Jewelled Gecko
Great White Shark
Water Rat
New Zealand Giant Eagle #47 LK
Yellow Faced Whip Snake
Yellow Faced Whip Snake
Riversleigh Leaf Nosed Bat #28
Giant Moa #46 LK
LOng Footed Potoroo
Muttaburrasaurus #10 LK
Austrosaurus #14 LK
Green Christmas Beetle
Green Christmas Beetle
Striped Possum
Striped Possum
Striped Possum
Bogata Sunangel
Chestnut Teal
Chestnut Teal
Northern Hairy Nosed Wombat
Diprotodon #43 LK
Bandy Bandy
Victoria Crowned Pigeon
Sea LIon
Tasmanian Devil
Sponge Crab
Golden Stag Beetle
Net Casting Spider
Samoan Woodrail FF
LOng Necked Plesiosaur #11 LK
Marsupial Mole
Weigels Toad
Rainbow Lorikeet
Rainbow Lorikeet
(broken) Ownes Horned Turtle #40 LK
Red Necked Avocet
Weigels Toad
Masked Lapwing
Masked Lapwing
Peacock Jewel Moth
Muttaburrasaurus #10 LK
New Zealand Giant Eagle #47 LK
Pink Tongued Skink
Fiddler Crab
Fiddler Crab
Regent Bowerbird
Barking Marsh Frog
Sea Hare
Fennec Fox
Tasmaniosaurus #6 LK
Crusader Bug
Hairy Red Hermit Crab
Modern Platypus #50 LK
Modern Platypus #50 LK
Modern Platypus #50 LK
Victoria Crowned Pigeon
Quinkana #38 LK
Mawsonited #1 LK
Masked Owl
Masked Owl
Syrian Wild Donkey #8 FF
Feathertail Glider
Net Casting Spider
Tingamarra #22 LK
Australian Allosaur #19
Crusader Bug
Lagarto #28 FF
Giant Clam
Long Necked Plesiosaur #11 LK
Tingamarra #22 LK
Pink Tongued Skink
Eurasian Coot
Marsupial Mole
Blue Pike #3 FF
White Spotted Eagle Ray
Giant Moa #46
Black Swan
Short Beak Echidna
Spotted Cuscus
Blue Triangle Butterfly
Soldier Crab
Hoiho Penguin
New Zealand Greater Adzebill #45 LK
Eastern Snake Necked Tortoise
Ziebells Hand Fish
Eastern Spiny Gurnard no pp
Meerkat no pp
Crusader Bug no pp
Hectors Dolphin no pp
Wombat no pp
Sponge Crab no pp
Western Black Striped Snake no pp
Yabby no pp inc
Emperor Gum Moth no pp
Emperor Gum Moth no pp
Leichhards Grasshopper no pp
Fiddler Crab no pp
Fiddler Crab no pp
Sea Hare no pp
Soldier Crab no pp
Blue Sea Star no pp
Lagarto no pp
Fennec Fox no pp
Corrobee Frog no pp
Desert Mouse no pp
Depressed Spiny Skink no pp
Red Fire Goby no pp
Pink Tongued Skink no pp
Short Beak Echidna no pp
Short Beak Echidna no pp
Rainbow Lorikeet no pp
Green Grocer Cicada no pp
Elephant Seal no pp
Sumatran Tiger
Eastern Spiny Gurnard
Long Necked Plesiosaur #11 LK
Rainforest Koala #25 LK
Pleistocene Marsupial Lion #42 LK
Huppe #24 FF
Tasmaniosaurus #6 LK
Murray Cod
Leopard Frog
Giant Clam
Clownfish no pp
Fennec Fox no pp
Fennec Fox no pp
Giant Moa LK no pp
Spotted Cuscus no pp
Weedy Sea Dragon no pp
Weedy Sea Dragon no pp
Weedy Sea Dragon no pp
Weedy Sea Dragon no pp
Weedy Sea Dragon no pp
Weedy Sea Dragon no pp
Riversleigh Leaf Nosed Bat LK no pp
Dwarf Minke Whale no pp
Green Christmas Beetle no pp
Riversleigh Leaf Nosed Bat LK no pp
Dwarf Minke Whale no pp
Zibells Handfish no pp
Net Casting Spider no pp
Black & White Tiger no pp
Flower Spider no pp
Koala no pp
Koala brown no pp
Common Sawshark no pp
Elephant Seal no pp
Tasmanian Pademelon no pp
Cunninghams Skink no pp
Rainforest Koala LK #25 no pp
Mangove Monitor no pp
Great White Shark no pp
Mangrove Monitor no pp
Blue Spotted Fantail Ray no pp
Blue Spotted Fantail Ray no pp
Blue Spotted Fantail Ray no pp
Giant Short Faced Kangaroo LK #44
Longfin Banner Fish no pp
Longfin Banner Fish no pp
Long Footed Potoroo no pp
Eastern Barred Bandicoot no pp
Smooth Knob Tailed Gecko no pp
Smooth Knob Tailed Gecko no pp
Ring Tailed Lemur no pp
Yellow Footed Rock Wallaby no pp
Sea Lion no pp
Green & Golden Bell Frog no pp
Hairy Nosed Wombat no pp
Yellow Footed Rock Wallaby no pp
more to come....
Sega Dinosaurs "S" / happinet "H" *pending*
To be updated
sachania S
lambeosaurusH x2
carnotaurus H x 2
maiasaurus H
carnotaurus S
[glow=red,2,300]kaiyodo jp///[/glow]
parasaurolophus x2
[glow=red,2,300]Future is wild[/glow]
ganet whale
[glow=red,2,300]TS [/glow]
[glow=red,2,300]Damaged Dinos[/glow]
Jp/// Poseable raptor (missing arm) $1
Thunder Beasts Huge Tyrannosaurus rex (missing foot/needs cleanup)$1
WWD Tyrannosaurus (missing arm) $6
WWD Postosuchus (missing two legs) $6
Sea Monsters jack n the box calander toy (ripping) $.50
Dino Riders Styracosaurus (frill spikes broken) $1
painted horse ceramic trinket box
louisiana gator ceramic trinket box
sandman ceramic dinosaur
[glow=red,2,300]PT prehistoric times magazines[/glow]
to be updated
My wants:
starlux synthetoceras
starlux placochelys
starlux bradysaurus
starlux cephalaspis
starlux drepenaspis
starlux trilobite/nodule
Chailus any
HS Brumms
mignot dinos
pewter dinos
smithsonians any
tedco all except early reptiles set
tube dinos and prehistoric mammals
schleich dinosaurs and animals
bullyland dinosaurs and animals
playvision dinosaur and animals
safari ltd fish
AAA flat fish other deep sea fish jellys
AAA worm
AAA birds
TS liopleurodon
giant standees of king kong and jurassic park or store displays and vinyl banners
the future is wild book
monsters we met book
australian prehistoric mammals book
walking with prehistoric beasts soundtrack
sea monsters soundtrack
walking with caveman soundtrack
de wolfe jurassic dinosaurs or prehistoric world soundtrack
tlw jurassic park soundtrack with 3d display
a burned cd of the soundtrack from jurassic park for snes and jurassic park 2 the chaos continues for snes
jp/// kaiyodo spino skull
bullyland deinotherium and andrewsarchus
waiphoon ornitholestes and liopleurodon(kaiyodo looking version) and jp/// knock offs
playskool rex and bronto and spinosaurus
dino riders diplodocus pachyrhinosaurus chasmosaurus
monsters in my pocket
46 okunen monogatari shinse synthesizer or other suit (4.6 billion yr old story) also known as E.V.O. the search for eden soundtrack by koichi sugiyama maker of dragon quest music.