Post by kuni on Aug 18, 2009 21:09:58 GMT
Shipping is free if you buy $20 or more and live in the USA. (It'll likely be free even if you're international, but I don't want to promise that straight off ) I do require payments through Paypal - money orders and the like are a big hassle. For those who prefer trades, here's my wants list: Wants: ChocoQ Stickleback Chap Mei Oviraptor Chap Mei Dragonosaurus (Ornitholestes) x4 The Kaiyodos are from DInotales Series 4 and 5. To see more, go to: www.dinosaurcollector.150m.com/kaiyodoUHA4.htm and www.dinosaurcollector.150m.com/kaiyodoUHA5.htm$15: Megalania $10: Tarbosaurus (2 versions available) Meganeura (giant prehistoric dragonfly) Paleoxodon $7.50: Pteranodon (2 versions available from s4) $5: Tyrannosaurus (s5) A Tyrannosaurus (s5) B Triceratops (s5) A Triceratops (s5) B Protoceratops A $2.50: Paleoxodon skull Tarbosaurus skeleton Ceratosaurus skull Colorata Dinosaurs: All figures come with base and plastic pins. $15: Futabasaurus $10: Stegosaurus Maiasaura Deinonychus $7.50: Styracosaurus Archeopteryx Bandai: Tsintaosaurus ($5) Yujin Cephalopods: $20: Rare Metasepia flamboyant cuttlefish repaint (it's the leftmost of the two metasepia) $7.50 Longarm squid $5: Argonaut Octopus vulgaris shooting ink Nature Techni Color Savanna and Ocean Animals: $7.50: Manta Ray Whale Shark $5: Wildebeest pair Zebra Black Ostrich Dolphin pair
Post by tomhet on Aug 18, 2009 22:07:42 GMT
I will send you a PM about the marine reptiles
Post by kuni on Aug 18, 2009 22:38:38 GMT
I'll be adding these two sets soon: added!
Post by stoneage on Aug 18, 2009 23:07:04 GMT
I'll be adding these two sets soon: The Zebra pose is rather unique! ;D
Post by kuni on Aug 18, 2009 23:11:00 GMT
yes....yes it is. This clearly makes it more collectible (or really good for a diorama, come to think of it...)
Post by kuni on Aug 19, 2009 2:18:25 GMT
Added Bandai Tsintaosaurus.
Post by webdragon on Aug 20, 2009 3:05:24 GMT
Gorgeous marine and African critters! I'm assuming these are Colorata-made too?
Post by kuni on Aug 20, 2009 6:15:51 GMT
They're not, it's some new company. I have their humphead wrasse already, and I can tell you, the detailing is quite nice, better than the Colorata humphead wrasse.
I'll also be getting in some frogs from a related size, if there are any frog fans here.
Post by sid on Aug 20, 2009 22:06:41 GMT
So, uhm... If i'd want to buy some of your figures, the shipping to Italy would be free too? ;D
Post by kuni on Aug 20, 2009 22:23:08 GMT
Depends on how many figures you get and which ones, honestly. Properly packed, Kaiyodo figures take up little space, Coloratas a bit more. What I usually do for shipping is charge a little bit more than I think it'll cost, and then refund any extra after taking it to the post office.
Post by sbell on Aug 20, 2009 22:49:34 GMT
I should buy something from you just because, for whatever reason, I can access the site through the link you put up. How strange.
And I just noticed something--I think they combined their frog volumes into one (I have the Milk frog, and I am sure it was originally from Vol.2--but it looks like they just put them all together now). Can the beetles and Sea Turtles be far behind?
Post by kuni on Aug 20, 2009 23:47:28 GMT
Which site, the Colorata one? Works fine for me. PM me if you want something.
Yes, the Frogs have been combined, and I suspect the beetles and turtles will be combined as well. Now, if they'll only augment the reptile and fossil fish sets...
Post by [][][]cordylus[][][] on Aug 21, 2009 0:57:27 GMT
You have no clue how tempted I am by that kaiyodo xenacanthus....
Post by kuni on Aug 21, 2009 1:12:52 GMT
$20 with free shipping is the best you'll find on one of those most likely.
Post by [][][]cordylus[][][] on Aug 21, 2009 1:25:17 GMT
That's true..... Darnit.
Post by kevin on Aug 21, 2009 1:25:22 GMT
There's something fishy about this thread..... Anybody hear from Tyrannax lately? i PM him but he does not seem to be getting them.... T ? Didjya get that secret rex yet? ??
Post by kuni on Aug 21, 2009 1:49:15 GMT
Fishy? As in, a total lack of fish because I keep them all for myself? I've updated the main listing - I'm going to require Paypal so that I can get people their figures on a reasonable timeframe.
Post by [][][]cordylus[][][] on Aug 21, 2009 3:48:35 GMT
You have another eryops B?
Post by kuni on Aug 21, 2009 4:34:57 GMT
The original buyer couldn't pay in Paypal unfortunately I've since clarified things in the main post.
Post by kuni on Aug 21, 2009 6:00:13 GMT
and gone again!