Post by davrosrts on May 13, 2010 15:38:50 GMT
Hi All, I know this is a little off topic but I need all your collecting "Mad Skillz". I'm Looking for a Dakin Plush Raptor from Jurassic Park (just like the one hajime found). I'm looking for one of these in a Big Way. A little back story... My wife and I saw Jurrasic Park on our first date and later found one of these plushes and bought him. He lived with us for along time (and through our marrage ups and downs) until a few years ago when we had a apartment fire that took everything. Our aniversery is comming up of our first date, and I'm looking for this Raptor in a Big Way. So If you have one your willing to part with or know where I could get one, Please E-mail me at DavrosRTS@Hotmail.com or here on the DTF and we will work something out for it. Thank You All so much in advance. Now back to your normal HS Hunting! Rich Here is a link to what it looks like: img118.imageshack.us/img118/10/dscf5372.jpg
Post by Gorgonopsid on May 13, 2010 23:20:09 GMT
Its cute I know that. ;D
Post by davrosrts on May 14, 2010 4:01:09 GMT
Yep, and I found one now. Thanks all for the help!
Post by Gorgonopsid on May 15, 2010 0:42:05 GMT
Yep, and I found one now. Thanks all for the help! Rich Can I buy one too at this store? Where did you get it?